

So.... I thought I'd change it up a bit, since I've been so busy with Make-Up lately, I thought why not discuss a different topic with you, and try and inspire someone out there. We all have them crappy days I know I do, where I feel unmotivated and really tired of all work and no play. I sometimes browse the internet to remind myself that all the hard work I've been doing will pay off eventually and look at inspirational pictures or pintrests.

I came across a website called Homify, It's a lifestyle website displaying loads of gorgeous houses and shows pictures of the interior design inside them.

Interior design has always been a hobby of mine, I love doing things up, but I'm very minimalistic when it comes to dressing a room. I love nothing more than a sleek modern styled room, with basic colours and added accessories to dress the room with colour or patterns. You can never have too much as long as it blends. 

I recently fully refurbished my own bedroom. I went for a very of course sleek modern theme, all white with one feature wall, and added mirrored furniture and couldn't not add a massive diamond draping chandelier to the middle of my room. Perfect detail! 

I'll do a full proper blog post on my bedroom and give you all links to where I purchased majority of my furniture and accessories as a few people have asked when they've seen pictures of it on my Snapchat. 

Anyhow, aside from that, below are some pictures of my favourite home designs I came across from the website! It has inspired me so much to work harder even more, and one day I can have the dream home just like these pics! (Wishful thinking ey!)

What do you think? What would your perfect living arrangement look like? If any of you have any pics of homes/rooms that would continue to inspire me, show me!

Paije Elizabeth x

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